"my grand mother's house "

A traditional berber house in the Atlas

Menu :

point First dishes

Price per person


Assortment of salads and raw fries ..................................................... 2.5 Euros
Barley soup with milk ........................................... ............................. 0.3 Euros
Rice soup with milk............................................... ............................. 0.5 Euros
Harbar (soup of wheat with milk )............................... ........................ 0.5 Euros
Black wheat semollinit lait (cold )............................................. ............ 0.5 Euros

point Main dishes

Price per person

Lamb tajine with seasonal vegetables, cooked over a wood fire .............. 4 Euros
Beef tajine with seasonal vegetables, cooked over a wood fire ............... 4 Euros
Goat tajine with seasonal vegetables, cooked over a wood fire ................ 4 Euros
Steamed chicken, spices and lemon ...................................................... 3 Euros
Couscous Habiba..................................................................................5 Euros


point Dessert

Fruits of the Jnan (familiy garden)...........................................................1 Euros
























