"my grand mother's house "

A traditional berber house in the Atlas


The activities


pointride on the donkey of the house


pointdiscovery of traditional handcrafts:

- Weaving jellabas tissues (the most famous of Morocco)
- Carpet weaving




pointsearch for minerals in the gorges of Oued el Abid (30 minutes by foot):





Services on demand :

pointhiking in the 'Atlas :

You can do following hikings in the Atlas that we can organize for you :

four du potier

point- walk up to the Ouzou Falls with a guide through the gorges of Oued el Abid, return with taxi

50 Euros for 4 persons - 7 hours

gorges oued el abidgorges oued el abid

point- climb to the plateau of Oued el Abid and to the lonesome olive tree

2 hours

four du potier


point- trip to the Ouzoud falls :

40 Euros for 4 persons

four du potier

point- trips iin the Geoparc M'Goun

(fossil footprints of dinosaurs, Berber villages)

four du potier

point- discovery of fossil footprints of dinosaurs

50 Euros forr 4 persons


point- and of course, for children (young and old), the camels

four du potier